High-pressure solenoid valve with signal feedback is an industrial equipment controlled by electromagnetism, and it is an automatic basic component to control fluid. It is used in industrial control system to adjust the direction, flow rate, speed and other parameters of medium. Solenoid valves can cooperate with different circuits to achieve the desired control, and the control accuracy and flexibility can be guaranteed. Used in various occasions of medium temperature, high temperature, atmospheric pressure and high pressure, suitable for automatic control of pipes such as medium and high temperature hot water, heat conducting oil, high temperature steam, saturated steam and superheated steam; military industry, aerospace, ship heavy industry, nuclear industry, petrochemical, electric power, chemical, light industry, machinery, scientific research, water supply and drainage, fire fighting, cleaning equipment, etc. Fountain, pipeline media automation control and other fields. It is the product of automation control engineering, project transformation and equipment supporting.
1,電磁閥閥芯均為不銹鋼材料、活塞式結構,抗動作疲勞性強。 2,活塞環設計結構更有科學性,采用特殊材料制造,不會被介質中的雜質卡死, 動作密封性能高、壽命長。 3,金屬活塞與金屬閥腔不產生直接摩擦,不會被卡住,閥體的安裝方向無限制。 4,專zhi線圈,線圈不易燒毀。 5,合理的密封材料和結構,密封性能更好。 6,*停止動作后重新啟動,動作同樣靈敏。 7,接口尺寸通常為國家或標準,客戶可定制特殊接口。 8,使用常規產品壽命長達100萬次以上。 9,一種具有外套型密封活塞環和具有高性能組合型密封活塞環的電磁閥。 10,工作壓力高達300MPa的超高壓電磁閥。
常閉型:當線圈通電時,先導閥芯吸合,先導孔打開,閥上腔卸壓,活塞靠下腔介質壓力推動,電磁閥打開;當線圈斷電時,先導閥芯靠彈簧復位,先導孔關閉,閥上腔由活塞節流孔增壓和復位彈簧的推力,電磁閥關閉。 常開型:當線圈通電時,先導孔關閉,閥上腔由活塞節流孔增壓和復位彈簧的推力,電磁閥關閉。當線圈斷電時,先導閥芯靠彈簧復位,先導孔打開,閥上腔卸壓,活塞靠下腔介質壓力推動,電磁閥打開。
1、先導式活塞電磁閥要求通過電磁閥的介質一定要有壓力的(介質沒有壓力不適合用這種閥),我們這邊的電磁閥是要保證介質有0.1MPA的壓力,才能正常工作。 2、先導式活塞電磁閥主活塞打開的力的來源有二處,一個是通電之后,產生的磁力,第二個是介質的壓力推動。 這兩個力是必須同時存在,才能保證先導活塞式電磁閥的正常工作,缺一不可。